Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day Safety for Your Pets

Valentines Day can be especially hazardous to our furry little friends. Here are a few tips to keep your pet safe and out of harms way during this lovable holiday.

If you are a chocolate lover, a bit of caution can save your pet's life. Keep the chocolate out of Fido's reach. It is toxic and can cause comic actions if ingested in large amounts. Symptoms of ingestion are tremors, rapid heartbeat, hyperactivity, and seizures. Chocolate can also cause liver damage.

Remember some plants can also be toxic to animals. So ensure all bouquets are out of your typical counter surfers reach. You can check online for a full list of toxic plants.

Alcohol and decor can be hazardous as well. Pets love to chew on anything. They may enjoy unwrapping your surprise gifts. Keep balloons, cellophane, ribbons, and wrapping papers from their paws and claws and increase their toy box to keep them occupied.

Lastly, we all love a nice romantic candlelight dinner right? Have a watchful eye around the flames to ensure the furries don't get too close, and keep those table scraps to yourself. We don't want to risk an emergency trip to the vet during your romantic date.

Keep in mind these tips can help at any given day, there is just an increased likelihood during the holidays. Happy Valentine's Day to all and your pets.

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