Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spring is Here and So is the Fever!

Our pets are just as susceptible to "Spring Fever" as humans are. We want to spend more time outside, soaking up the sun, enjoying the scenery and the warm weather. We usually take more walks or hikes, ride our bikes and go on outings. In turn your pets are spending more time outside when they accompany you. As our pets spend more time outdoors with us we increase the chances of them getting loose, lost or ill. I have noticed an increase of lost pets in the last few weeks and thought I would send out a friendly reminder to safeguard your pets. Here are a few tips to ensure your pet stays healthy and safe:

1. Lock Down!

Make sure your gate is locked in your yard. As you are doing more lawn work, coming and going from your yard is expected. Ensure your gate is locked or latched to prevent runaways.

2. Tag Your It!

Keep a collar with identification and your contact info on your dog at all times while he is outdoors. As an extra precaution have your dog microchipped and update his photo and info online. There are many different online services that will help to recover your pet if he gets lost.

3. Refresher Course

Train train train. Make sure your pet is well trained and obedient. I know it's easier to say than do, but it's very important to ensure the safety of your pet outdoors. Many dogs are under socialized. When they see another dog even on leash they react poorly. Your dog could break his or her leash or collar and escape to greet another dog or chase another furry. Recall and socialization are the most important when outside with your pet.

4. Shield Them!

Make sure to keep your vaccinations up to date as well as monthly preventatives. It's high flea and tick season with the warm weather approaching. Also I have found that many do not keep the Bordatella UTD since the dogs were primarily indoors. Dog parks are breeding grounds for this along with multiple intestinal parasites. Keep your pets healthy as they make new friends.

5. Don't Eat That!

Tis the season of barbecues! I have seen many family barbecues with off leash pets raiding garbage cans, picking up discarded scraps and licking plates. Be careful your dog does not ingest bones or trash. Keep him leashed and safely with you, or in a playpen when you can not watch him.

6. Not In My Garden!

Lawn work and gardening are in full swing. Also ensure he doesn't eat any poisonous plants while out and about. Some flowers and plants seem very appetizing to your pets. Visit for a list of household and garden plants that are hazardous to your pet.

These are just a few ideas to keep your family happy and healthy during the Spring Fever. I look forward to seeing many of you along the trails and paths with your pets, enjoying this beautiful weather and the changing scenery. Enjoy and be safe!

Dari and Sean